Monday, August 22, 2022

Grandmama made me do this.

 Well, it was perhaps more of a suggestion, but since when do you say no to Grandmama Suvia?

So here I am. Here I will write,take letters, answer letters, and talk about my life as a scholar in the court of my Cousin, the Great King Charles, King of the Franks.

It is not the easiest of lives, but then, it is certainly better than most! As I am family, I have an small apartment here at the palace at Ingelheim. I have a large room with shelves and chests for my books and scrolls and such, a large desk (admittedly, quite messy), a couch to recline on, a couple of sturdy chairs, and a fireplace. In a smaller room behind I have my bed, clothes chests, and a trundle bed for my maidservant. We also have two cats, who keep the rodents out of the vellum, and my feet warm in the evenings. I have named them Plato and Homer. Sometimes they are a bit of trouble (Homer is especially fond of knocking over my ink pots), but they have sweet spotted tummies and like to be rubbed and petted, so I suppose I can forgive them when they are naughty. Sometimes. Maybe. 

Most of my time is spent reading, studying, writing. I help teach here in the palace school, and sometimes when Alcuin travels to other areas, working with other schools, carrying new copies of books, or off to borrow books from an abbey or cathedral, I go with him. I basically serve him as an amanuensis, taking notes and writing letters for him, writing as he puzzles out a lesson or knotty bit of theology, reminding him of tasks ahead or of people he should see... essentially his personal secretary. Sometimes I think that he is so busy with things of God, he forgets the call of Man- and I have to remind him to take time for a meal, or to rest. I don't mind doing this, as we have been good friends for a long time, and I know that he feels an urgency to get as much done as he can, recognizing that his time on earth is limited. So is mine, come to think of it. I suppose that supporting each other is the best we can do.

My own children are long grown, but I occasionally have time to see my grandchildren, which warms me even on cold days. They grow so fast! I have to look towards getting advantageous marriages for my granddaughters, and as my grandson grows, I hope to help mold him into the sort of man who can serve Charles well, and earn a place in his council, maybe even as a Comites. But he is young, not yet riding ast5ride a horse, but learning archery. And he is quite studious, too! He'll be a fine young man someday.

I am hoping that posting here in an open forum will give me more opportunity to talk about my scholarship, to teach, counsel, disciple. Grandmama Suvia says I hoard my knowledge too much, and perhaps she's right. Hopefully I'll be able to open my hoard a bit and share!

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